Sunday, August 30, 2015



TN Racing Absolute テスト(2駆)

 Last night I tested my DP TN Racing Absolute conversion and the car had a very good performance.I used an old body shell (Yokomo Chaser) because after I made the conversion for carbon chassis, changed slightly the distance of the body post and could not use that green body Yokomo Toyo 180 I ever wore. But everything went smoothly and am happy with the result. Many people thought I disassembled my DP plastic for converting to TN Racing carbon kit, but don't worry, the plastic DP is intact! I not intend to change it ! 
 Ontem a noite fui testar meu DoriPake TN Racing Absolute Conversion. O resultado foi muito bom ! Usei uma bolha velha, Yokomo Chaser, pois mudou um pouco a distancia dos pilares que fixam a bolha. Estou super satisfeito com o resultado do teste e também com o visual novo do carro. Ficou chique ! O Doripake de plastico continua correndo super bem como sempre e vai continuar sem mudanças.

TN Racing Absolute Conversion

TN Racing Rebirth Absolute Conversion is done. I'll test tonight. 


TN Racing Rebirth Absolute Conversion esta' pronto ! Vou testar hoje a noite!

Friday, August 21, 2015



Tuesday, August 18, 2015



Sunday, August 16, 2015


Tamiya 86 body and TN Racing Motor7.5T.


In yesterday's Rock-D circuit event, my body shell has won the award for best painting and won a new body shell (Tamiya 86) and a brushless motor 7.5t. Hahaha! It's unbelievable!


No evento de ontem la na pista Rock-D, minha bolha foi escolhida como a mais bonita, entre varias bolhas realmente bonitas. Nao acreditei! Ganhei uma bolha nova da Tamiya Toyota 86 e um motor de 7.5 turns. Hahaha! Foi um dia de sorte!

TN Racing Reverse Absolute Carbon Conversion.

I bought a TN Racing Drift Package reverse absolute carbon conversion kit. The motor position is opposite of the original DoriPake.. Sales promotion with2 carbon chassis with different thickness: 2mm and 2.5mm. I will convert my DP RWD (alum.) using this conversion kit. Price was 20.000 yen (USD 161.00 !!!) 

TN レーシングのドリパケ.リバース.アブソリュート.コンバージョン.キット買いました。メインシャーシ二枚入り(厚み2mmと2.5mm付とリアフロントダンパーステーおまけ)で2万円!!!これを2駆ドリパケに使用します(オーバードーズだれけのドリパケ)。

 Comprei o novo kit de conversão da TN Racing "Reverse Absolute Carbon Conversion". O motor fica localizado no lado oposto do DP original. Vem com dois chassis de espessuras diferente (2mm e 2.5mm) e paguei 20 mil ienes. Ta barato !

Thursday, August 06, 2015



Sunday, August 02, 2015


Today in Isesaki. Nikon D5000, 35mm nikkor, f22, 4sec. 
 Hoje em Isesaki. Nikon D5000, 35mm, f22, 4sec.